Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nola in the nude: A Testament.

The Gospel According To

We meet up with Nola in Bethlehem, where she is staying with a friendly innkeeper and his wife. She has a copy of the Bible, which she keeps referring to as The Bible for Dummies. She is bored, restless and ready for something interesting or anything really, to happen. She is lying on the floor of the Inn flipping through the latest copy of Foreign Policy magazine.
Nola: What? O? What in a cat’s scratch are you doing in Russia? Why didn’t you tell me? (She stands, magazine still in hand.) Is that Vladdy? Why is he standing in the-

(Meanwhile over at Evergreen Chapel in Camp Pendleton Obama has just sat down to Sunday service and as he takes out his Bible the Reverend Joseph Lowery begins his sermon.)
Reverend Joseph Lowery: Welcome. The Gospel (long pause) according to Matthew. Chapter one, verse one says ‘The book (pause) of the (pause) generation of Jesus Christ, (pause) the son of David, (pause) the son of Abraham.
Nola: Psst. O? Can you hear me?
(Obama looks around)
Reverend Joseph Lowery: Verse 2 (pause) Abraham begat Isaac, you see, (looks up from his bible) you see how we all come together? One after another? (back to his bible) And Isaac begat Jacob, (pause) he sure did.
Nola: PSSSSSSt. O? Hey, you there?
(Obama looks down at his bible)
1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob ‘blah blah blah- Nola Shumway here! Friend to sinners; foe to saints. Nola requests an audience with the President of these (for now) United States.’

Nola? Can you hear me?
Nola: Of course I can. Don’t act so stinking surprised. The bible speaks to people all the time. Now listen O, what’s up? Why am I reading about you canoodling with my man?
Obama: (Chuckling) Nola, first of all, this was your idea. You were the one concerned about US –Russian relations.
Nola: I’m listening.
Obama: It was strictly political posturing on my part. Please believe me. I am in no way cozying up to that man.
Nola: My man.
Obama: Your man. Correct.
Nola: He had tea with you at his house. On his deck. I saw the pictures. Did he ask about me? The first time we kissed we were out on that deck. He had just ordered the poisoning of a former KGB operative and I had just finished eating my milk and cookies. We were sitting on the deck and he took me on his lap and I stared into his cold lifeless eyes.
Obama: Nola, you’re rambling. How are things in Bethlehem?
Nola: Sa-noozey. There isn’t anything to do here. This Inn is a disaster. It’s actually more like a barn. There is this crazy couple staying with us though. Get this O, there is this crazy guy, his name is Joseph. He says his soon to be wife, a thirteen year old virgin, is pregnant with the son of God. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Do you believe that? A thirteen year old virgin? He actually told us that story over dinner. Said he was visited by some angel who told him that Mary, that’s his slutty fiancé, was carrying the son of God and he should marry her anyway. Of course my hosts immediately threw them out into the actual barn.
Obama: Nola, I have to go. People are staring. You be good. Remember- I’ll be watching.
Nola: Fine. Fine. You get all the excitement. Tell Sonia I said hi. Can my next mission be California? I’ve developed a slight crush on a one Huell Howser and think I have a great plan for California.
Obama: Fine. Uh, Nola?
Nola: YEE-es, O?
Obama: Mind yourself. P’s, Q’s, and stay OUT OF TROUBLE.
Nola: Got it.

Nola closes her Bible for Dummies and finds herself standing knee deep in a river. She begins to ask a man standing near her for directions back to Bethlehem when all of a sudden-
Nola: (submerged in the water) gargle gargle gargle. Sir (breath) can you please tell me- gargle gargle gargle- (breath) where I can- Sir! Gargle. (kicks the man in the shin underwater) Can you stop doing that sir! I’m trying to ask how to get back to- gargle gargle gargle. (Another kick from Nola to his shin. She breaks free and runs away toward a group of men talking by a fishing boat. As she walks up the three men start to walk away)
Brunette Man: (to the others) Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Nola: My Gays!
(Nola runs after them trying to catch up. She follows them up a steep mountain and arrives at a clearing where there are many men standing around flirting. She checks Bible for Dummies. It seems that she’s made her way to a club called Sermon on the Mount. There is a young, attractive Brunette man that has the audience captivated. He speaks slowly and softly. Sort of like an annoying liberal brat who went to an ivy-league college because his parents are uber-rich and then decides for a year he’s going to get rid of all possessions because they quote “don’t really mean anything.” You know the kind that black kids in the ghetto just want to beat the shit out of.
Brunette Man: Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out then-
Nola: (to man standing by her) You can’t come out? Are you guys in politics?
Man: No.
Nola: Actors?
Man: No.
Nola: Football players?
Man: Shh.
Brunette Man: Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not commit adultery.
Nola: (clapping) Here! Here! Who wants to be a stupid ol adult anyway! (To man) Who is this guy anyway?
Man: He is Jesus of Nazareth.
Nola: Don’t know him.
Man: Jesus of Galilee.
Nola: Don’t know him.
Man: Jesus born in Bethlehem.
Nola: Hey! I know Bethlehem. That’s where I just came from. Oh Man, I have some good gossip!
Man: Do tell, little child.
Nola: Well, I stayed at this inn and this crazy man Joseph came to stay with his whore of a fiancé. He told us all that his son was to be born of his whore fiancé Mary, who, by the way claimed to be a virgin, and that he was the son of God.
Man: (excited, points to Brunette man) That’s him. Jesus. Son of God.

Reverend Lowery :(reading aloud) ‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA. And Nola did then fall down to the ground and roll around until she had tired herself. And when, then she was finished laughing at this newly discovered information she rose up onto her feet and said -

Nola: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AHAHAHAAHAHHAHAH. Seriously, that little guy over there is the son of God? But I was just over at that inn yesterday.
(All of a sudden a thunderous voice seemingly coming from the sky speaks)
Obama: Nola! No-La Shumway!
Man: It’s god! He speaks. Who is Nola?
Nola: (pushing past him, he falls to the ground and Nola calls back to the man.) That’s not God stupid, it’s Obama. The President. I’m Nola. Nola Shumway. Friend to sinners; foe to saints.
Nola: Hey O, what’s up?
Obama: Nola, what are you doing?
Nola: Hahaha. O, This guy just told me that this over guy over there. Can you see me? Or just hear me.
Obama: Nola, you’re changing the bible. (whispering) Everyone at church thinks the good Reverend is disturbed.
Nola: Well, O, I hate to keep bringing this up, but when it comes to Reverends your track record isn’t exactly-
Obama: -Nola! Not another word! Now, I told you to stay out of trouble. That means don’t do anything that will draw attention. Now, I will be in church the rest of the morning, so if you disturb the New Testament I will know about it.
Nola: Yes sir! Oh, tell Malia I said hi. And tell Joe he owes me forty bucks.
Obama: For what?
Nola: You know I can’t say. But I wish you would have picked a veep with a little more faith in your ability to stay alive. O, I gotta go, things just got interesting...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nola in the nude: A Testament

The Gospel According To

Nola: Okay bye. (Closes her bible and turns to find herself back at the same river she had passed earlier.) Oh no, not you again. (She runs off and grabs a man who looks to be a soldier walking near the river.) Excuse me! Excuse me. Hello, Nola Shumway here, friend to sinners, foe to saints. I’ve got a huge problem that I’m about to make your problem. You see that dastardly man over there? In the water? Shaggy looking fella? No, the other one. Yes. Well! Injustice of all injustices- speaking of injustices how hot is Sonia Sotomayor?
Soldier gives Nola a puzzled look-
Nola: Sorry, (pinches herself until she screams) stay on task Nola Shumway! Focus! (To soldier) That’s what my Vladdy says! HAHAhahah. (Starts to cry) Well, I miss him and I think he’s found another little girl to date. I saw him in a picture with this little twerp Svetlana. (Looks up at confused soldier) Sorry. Not the point. Point is, that man over there tried to drown me! Several times! I want you to arrest him immediately and chop off his head! Do it or else!
The soldier laughs and pats Nola on the head.
Suddenly music: The Russian National Anthem.
Nola: Oh great. Perfect. (Grabs IPHONE out of her pocket) Vladdy? Is that you? Yes, I’m a bit busy. But- Yes, I saw it. (Pause) Yes I want an explanation! How can you do this to me? Is it because I’m too old now? I can look younger you know. I have onesies. (Notices soldier staring switches to Russian with a perfect accent) Мне нужно вы сделать меня благосклонность, моя влюбленность.How do I say, Oh never mind. Darling? Prrrrr, darling Vladdy? Can you tell this stupid mean ol soldier to behead this dumb guy who tried to drown me?
(Soldier takes phone from Nola. As the voice on the other end begins to speak the soldier turns as white as Nola’s backside. What is said to the soldier is something the reader cannot and should not hear. Soldier gives phone back to Nola and runs toward the man wading in the water. He slices off his head and brings it to Nola.)
Nola: (looks down at bloody head) Gross. Vlad? I gotta go. I’m trying to find Jesus. Call Kim, he lonely.
Nola picks up bloody head and starts skipping back towards the mountain.


Reverend Lowery: And now let us look at Mark 6 verse 14. John the Baptist is beheaded by Nola Shumway’s henchman at the request of her lover Vladimir Putin. (Reverend looks up to a wide-eyed congregation)
Nola: Psst. O? Bible talk. You got a second?
Obama: Nola! You killed John the Baptist?
Nola: No. I killed some creepy, crazy man who tried to drown me.
Obama: But Nola, King Herod was supposed to do that. What is King Herod going to do now?
Nola: Have dusty sex with a lot of young girls?
Obama: Nola, this is serious. Reverend Lowery is losing his mind. You’re rewriting the bible.
Nola: Relax O, everyone rewrites the bible.
Obama: Nola.
Nola: O, I’m doing my best but the bible is confusing. I’ve been reading some of this stuff and it’s crazy. I mean like Kim Jong Il crazy. Don’t tell him I said that okay, he’s sensitive.
Obama: I agree.
Nola: Hey, O, riddle me this: Why was this Jesus guy preaching about the end of times if he knew the end of times wouldn’t be for at least two thousand years. I mean, I don’t tell my grandma about the fact that I’m already sterile because of the Chlamydia I caught while I was doing that research in Slovakia. You know why? Because by the time I get around to having kids she won’t be alive. There isn’t any point in worrying her.
Obama: Nola.
Nola: So, I’m going to find this Jesus guy.
Obama: Nola.
Nola: And when I do he better pray there is a god. And he better hope it’s his daddy. Good day Mr. President.
Obama closes his bible and looks around. The congregation is staring at him. Their eyes move from him to the Reverend. Finally the reverend again begins to speak.

Reverend Lowery: (nervous) Where was I?


Nola tumbles from the mountain and knocks Jesus over.
Jesus: A dove?
Nola: No, dummy, a hot mess. (Pulling down her shorts and up her feather panties) This tanga was a gift from mi amor Vladimir Putin. (She tugs on a ripped feather) Great it’s ruined. (To Jesus) Vladdy is going to poison me! (Looks at Jesus)You must know him (accusingly, with her face in his face)
Jesus: (to his followers) who is this child to speak in such a –
Nola: (interrupting)WHO AM I...To speak in such a commanding manner? Dare you question who she is? She, who talks to you as if you were that thing she despises most openly and unapologetically about this world? It is of no concern to you who I am, or even what I am. (Pause) However, understanding that you are-and I forgive it- only humans I suppose you will require a name to this face. Typical isn’t it? For nothing exists until a human has named it.

Churchgoer: That’s some real deep shit, right there.


Nola: (to Jesus) you win, from this point on I will be introducing myself as Nola of Skid Row. And you, no doubt, are Jesus. (Reaches into her pocket and pulls out three stones) Turn these into bread.
Jesus: My child, I cannot.
(Nola flips through her Bible for Dummies.)
Nola: Well, according to this Matthew guy, you turned two fish into a million fish. Unless you’re with Gorton’s, and are selling fish sticks, I don’t see how that’s possible. I want to see a miracle Jeeeeeesus.
Jesus: A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress-
Nola: -zZzZz…
Jesus: - and built a watchtower. Then he rented the-
Nola: zZzZz…
Jesus: - vineyard to some farmers and went away on a journey.
Nola: zZzZz…
Jesus: My child?... Nola…Nola!
Nola: Sorry, fell asleep. Standing up, (to Jesus’ followers) if that don’t seem like a miracle to you I don’t know what does. (Back to Jesus) Look, I don’t need you to talk to me like I’m an idiot. I did eight years on skid row and I’m a Rhodes Scholar. I’m really smart.
Jesus: We are all Road’s scholars, my child.
Nola: Shut it Koresh. All I’m trying to find out is whether or not everything I’m reading in this BFD is true. Can you really turn water into wine? And if so can you go one more and turn it into vodka? I could sure use a Cosmo.


Rahm: (whispering over Obama’s shoulder) Mr. President, they’re starting to tweet.
Obama: (looks over at the congregation who all have Iphones out feverishly typing. Looks up to reverend Lowery who is sweating profusely.) But we can all see the changes. Look, Rahm, you see right here in Mark 1:12:
And immediately the Nola driveth him into the wilderness.
Nola then asks Jesus to prove his worthyness.
It is plain as day on the pages.
Rahm: I see it, you see it, and poor Reverend Lowery sees it. The trouble is, people don’t actually read the bible. They’re counting on the Reverend to give them the good word. And the good word on the streets is that Nola is the Devil.
Obama: Oh Jesus!


Jesus: God? Is that you?
Nola: You know, sometimes I think maybe you are the son of god? You know why? You know why? Because you are completely retarded! (Pushes past Jesus knocking him over, looks up to the sky) Hey O. What’s the haps?
Obama: Nola, your time there is over. I want you to head back to Bethlehem. I will have the secret service pick you up there.
Nola: (her foot out in front her, she moves her leg in a half circle motion looking as cute as possible) But, Oooooo, I’m just starting to relax here. I’m interrogating Jesus. I just asked -
Obama: -Yes, you just asked him to turn water into vodka. Nola, this is serious. Reverend Lowery has been preaching it all in church today. Every move you make there is showing up here, in our bibles. The congregation has started Tweeting about it. We failed to see the connection before: Nola is a nickname for New Orleans.
Nola: For the love of Turkish bathes! I’m going to need to change my name.
Obama: So the Reverend preached about Nola taking Jesus into the wilderness and now the congregation is up in arms, saying that I am now involved with a Reverend who preaches that New Orleans is the devil.
Nola: HAHAHAHAAHHAHA. O, you almost had me. That is funny. How could anyone (pulling out her iphone, pulling up Twitterfon app) actually believe such-

Nola: Sufferin Suckatash!
Obama: Rahm is on damage control. You may need to be introduced to the public at some point. Nola, you’re on the radar now and we need to figure out the best course of action from here. I think what you need to do immediately is to make your way back to Bethlehem, hastily. And please, for the love of country Nola, don’t talk to anyone.
Nola: Got it. Sewing my mouth shut. Back to Bethlehem.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nola in the nude: A Testament

The gospel according to


(Nola turns and she is standing in a church beside a man praying.)

Nola: Oh God damn it, where is he? Jesus! Fuck! Where did that little bitch go?
Zacharias: (looks up at Nola) Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Nola: (looks down) As if I’m gonna tell you. Who are you?
Zacharias: Zacharias.

Nola looks down at her Bible for Dummies:

Nola: Zacharias, huh, you’re the father of that dastardly John the beheaded.
Zacharias: Father? (excited) I am to have a son?
Nola: (she slaps him) Hey crazy, don’t get too excited. He turns out to be a real wacko. Here, take two of these. (hands him a couple sheets of acid) Go lay down.
Zacharias: But a son? I have a son and name him John?
Nola: (confused) Yeah, you know, he baptizes Jesus, you know, the supposed son of god or if you prefer- Nephew. John tried to drown me. I got rid of him. (whilst bowing) You are welcome.
Zacharias: Bless you my angel. For you were sent from God.
Nola: Uh, noooooo. I was sent here for my protection. Okay. Because I sliced up my cellmate’s face. With a dirty razor. That’s all. No god, no miracle. (pulls out dirty razor and slices through the air) Just a moment of shear, pardon the pun, brilliance.
Zacharias: (running off screaming) A son! He comes and will be named John! He will baptize Jesus the son of God!
Nola: (yelling after him) Don’t forget the part about when I have him beheaded!
(Nola continues walking for what seems like days. She arrives to a town called Jerusalem. She sees a young effeminate boy hanging out at a church.)
Nola: Hi. (she waves spastically) I’m Nola, Nola Shumway. Friend to sinners, foe to saints.
Jesus: I am Jesus of Galilee.
Nola: No you’re not.
Jesus: Yes I am.
Nola: (getting upset) No, (forced smile) you’re…not! (pause) Twerp.
Jesus: (stands up) Yes! I! Am!
Nola: The Jesus I met is a man. You are a little boy.
Jesus: I’m twelve! My mother, Mary…
Nola: The slut?
Jesus: She told me that when I was a baby, angels came to my dad and said that I was the son of god.
Nola: Aren’t we all?
Jesus: Then when I was a baby they took me to the temple and there was this old man who said he had to see Christ before he died. And then (Nola is biting her nails impatiently) my mom and dad took me to him and he held me and he said
Nola: (reading from her bible) and I quote 'For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,' big whoop. Same thing happened to me. You know what he was looking for? My eight year old vagina. So some pervert in the church had a boner for a little kid. Trust me; this is news to no one.
Jesus: Wait, who are you? How do you know that?
Nola: I’m Nola. And you (whips out leash and puts it around his neck) are coming with me.
Jesus: (walking behind Nola away from the temple) You aren’t very nice. Where did you come from?
Nola: Skid row. Sort of looks like Galilee but with boxes and needles. Everyone knows you there. You’re famous. They cry out for you all night long. ‘help me Jesus, help me!’ So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take you to them.
Jesus: But I have to go home and help mom with dinner.
Nola: Jesus, I hate to bring this up, but, you know, if I were you I would run away. Your mom is a slut, your dad is delusional. Your aunt and uncle are fame seekers. They’ve quite the life planned for you. Did you know that someday you are going to have to die, for my sins?
Jesus: What?
Nola: You heard me. According to Matthew-
Jesus: -Who is Matthew?
Nola: (looking up from her bible for dummies) No one you ever knew. And according to Mark.
Jesus: Mark?
Nola: Nobody important. A biographer of sorts. But according to them, and Luke... and John and eighty percent of the United States, (Jesus opens his mouth to speak and Nola puts her hand over his mouth) you are going to die for my sins.
Jesus: (wiping his snotty nose) But why would I die for your sins?
Nola: (flipping furiously through the bible) Um, I don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet. But that's what happens.

(they walk in silence a bit further)

Nola: Hey, Jesus, what’s it like- to have two dads? It must be really confusing. (pause) Hey, do you call one Gay ol’ Dad? That would be appropriate.

Off in the distance Mary and Joseph arrive at the temple only to see Jesus a hundred yards away walking with a girl.

Mary: Jesus!
Joseph: On a leash!

Cut to Evergreen Chapel:

Reverend Lowery: Jesus! On a leash!


Voice from the sky: NOoooLaaaa! Nola Shumway!
Nola: oh Shiite! What? What now O? I’m in the middle of something. (looks at Jesus, who has just peed his robe)
Obama: Nola, I know very well what you are doing. I want you to keep moving. Back to Bethlehem.
Nola: But O!
Obama: No, Nola. This congregation is ready to wage war on the good Reverend. No more shenanigans.
Nola: Brittle Dicks! I’m just trying to be a good person and help.
Obama: (chuckling) Sure Nola. I’m sure you are. Just get back okay?
Nola: Okay, O, I’ll be good. (grabs her tatas) Scouts honor.
Obama: You were never a scout.
Nola: I dress up like one for Vladimir.
Obama: (chuckling) You are so silly, Sweet Pretty Young Nola.
Nola: (‘hail Hitler’ salute) Back to Bethlehem for me and Jesus!
Joseph: (from off) ON A LEASH!


Meanwhile back at the Evergreen Chapel, the congregation is now riveted by the craziness coming out of Reverend Lowery’s mouth. He continues to read, and they sit, hunched forward, some standing, urging him along:

Reverend Lowery: Uh, we are still in Luke, I’m not sure which chapter or verse. Ahem. (pause) Ha. Nola then turned and was standing on an empty dirt road. Jesus lost to her once again. An angry mob stands behind her. A man says to Nola, ‘you are the devil.’ Nola parted her lips, which made the mob quiver, but then closed her mouth, knowing full well who had told them that she must be the devil. The speaker for angry mob said ‘you will be sorry; you have crossed the son of god.’ And Nola did, then, raise her head and say ‘hahaha hahaha hahahaha. Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha. Is that supposed to frighten me? Hahaha hahaha hhahahaha. You tell your little slippery, black friend.
Congregation holus bolus: What? Did she just say black? Oh, I knew it girl. Jesus is black.
(applause erupts from the congregation- cheers and shouts of ‘Hallelujah’, ‘praise black Jesus’, and ‘New Orlins the devil’. Meanwhile Obama sits, in the corner with his head buried in his bible, desperately trying to locate Nola)
Reverend Lowery: ‘You tell your little slippery black friend that I’ve been looking for him. He keeps disappearing on me. The man laughed and turned to his group, ‘ha, the doubter claims he has not the power of miracles, yet she says herself she has seen him disappear. Hahaha’ Nola walked over to the man, pulled out a knife, dropped to the ground and stabbed him in the shin. As the man lay on the ground crying like a little bitch, Nola crawled alongside him and said ‘I was going to try to help you and your stupid little friends, but now I’m angry. You know what I know about your precious little cult leader that you don’t?
Congregation woman: Girl, this is better than Angels and Demons.
Reverend Lowery: ‘You know what I know about your precious little cult leader that you don’t? He’s going to die. Soon. Yeah, I got a message for your American buddy, you tell that murderer, that Maria’s never going to meet him. You tell him that Chino found out about them, and shot Her! She’s dead.

Record playing on the record player in the Chapel skips. Reverend stops looks up. Puzzled faces in the congregation.

Woman: (confused) Wait, girl, ain’t that from West Side Story?
Man: Who is Maria? Did she mean Mary?

Obama leaves the room with Bible in hand. He immediately opens it and finds Nola Skipping back to Bethlehem.


Obama: Nola! West Side Story? Really? I am very upset with you at the moment.
Nola: (skipping) Well, get in line, O, I’ve got an angry mob of pedophiles after me, Jesus is missing and off his leash, and this Bible for dummies has a vague map situation. I’m lost and my Iphone isn’t pulling up maps. I’m moving as fast as I can. Quit bugging me. I’ll see you soon.
Obama: I’ll pray that you do.

To be continued…… (one more time)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nola in the Nude: A Testament to John


Reverend Lowery: (uncomfortable chuckling) Well isn’t that silly, West Side Story. Let’s all turn those bibles to page 621 and begin in John. (Flipping through his bible nervously, sweat dripping down his forehead. He takes out a handkerchief with the words God Wipes the Brow of the Weary embroidered on it, he puts it to his forehead and wipes the sweat) Never did go wrong in John, is what they say. Yes, here we are. John 1, verse 1. He looks down at his page:

Reverend Lowery: Oh, the lord is testing me today. (Smiles and looks up at congregation) Can I get an Amen?
Congregation (which is down to two women) : Gaymen!
Reverend Lowery: That’s odd. It (pause) sounds, (pause) yes it did, it sounded like you just said Gaymen.
Congregation: Gaymen.
(Reverend Looks up. Looks down at his bible)


Voice from the sky: NOLA!
Nola: (skipping) what’s up now?
Obama: How can you have possibly written a testament? You’re still there!
Nola: I’m paying John to write it for me.
Obama: Back to Bethlehem! Wait for the Secret Ser-
Nola: -Servants. I’m on it O.
Obama: Service. Secret Service Nola.
Nola skips up to a sign:

(If she had bothered to translate, she would have known that she was in fact, in Jerusalem. She skips over to a group of men standing outside of a building)
Nola: Servants! Got it. Alright, I see them. Gotta go. (Shuts her Bible for Dummies and runs over to the Secret Servants, whom are camped outside a room) Hello help, how are ya? (Waves ferociously) I’m starved. Quick chowtime then its back to the black house. Got it?
Secret Servant, oops, Service Agent: (stares silently)
Nola: This place looks good. (Over her shoulder) love, love, love the robes.

A host seats Nola and her agents at a long table. As Nola looks to her left she notices a man washing the foot of another. She jumps up, runs over to the chair, knocks the man over and puts her feet in the tub.

Nola: Pedis! (To man washing her feet, in perfect Korean) 짧은 못. 어리석은 매력 없음. 명확한 광택. 그것 뿐이다! 그것을 얻는? 당신이 듣지 않는 경우에, 나는 나의 서투르게 수선한 매니큐어를 한 못으로 당신의 눈을 말소하기 위하여 려고 하고 있다.
Jesus: (looking up from her feet) Nola?
Nola: (looks down from her Fortune magazine) Jesus? What in a whore’s abortion are you doing in a nail salon? Wait! What am I doing in a nail salon, that serves food? Gross!
(Jesus grabs Nola by the neck and walks her outside.)
Nola: Re-leeeeeeease meh Jesus! Reeeeee-lease meh from your evil grip! Put me down you wretch! (Kicking and spitting)
Jesus: You have caused far too much trouble for me. I’m trying to enjoy a nice meal with my friends. You will stay out here until the Secret Service arrives to escort you back to the White House. White House, Nola, not the Black House, we’ve spoken about this issue. The service has been alerted to your whereabouts. You are in Jerusalem, not Bethlehem. Stay put.
Nola: (Stops struggling) wait a minute. O? Is that you? Hahahahaahhaha. God dammit. Hahahahahhahahahhahahha. (Looks at the sky) You got me! You son of an African!
Obama: (From the sky, chuckling) my sweet Nola, you aren’t the only one who can tamper with the good book. (Obama, as Jesus, sets Nola down and walks back into the restaurant) Please, Nola, for the sake of society, stops tampering with the bible. Stay there. Don’t make a move. (Nola starts shaking her ass) I can see that, Nola. Please, this is serious. Stay put until the Secret Service arrive.
Nola: (Gives a hail Hitler salute) Yes, comrade! (Nola sits down on a mule tied up outside the restaurant and pulls out her Iphone.)
(Jesus, Simon and Peter slip out a side exit to the restaurant. Nola sees them and follows.)
Nola: Fishers of men!
(Jesus puts his hand on Simon’s shoulder and whispers into his ear.)
Jesus: The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. In my father’s house are many mansions.
Nola: Jesus is going to rape Simon at his father’s house! (To John) Write that down. (To herself) So Jesus is gay, and he’s going to rape people. Well, not on my watch. But which father’s house? (Guards walk towards Nola and she speaks to one)
Nola: Excuse me, excuse me, remember me? I’m the little girl who filed the complaint about being drowned by that crazy John the beheaded. I have another problem.
(Soldier stares at Nola)
Nola: Strong silent type? Good. Okay, Simon is going to get raped tonight. At Jesus’ father’s mansion.
Soldier: Jesus of Nazareth?
Nola: Never heard of him. (She continues) But I’m not sure which father Jesus is talking about. Soldier: Jesus of Galilee?
Nola: Um? Am I not speaking English? Never heard of him either. (She continues) And I’m also not entirely sure which of these many mansions it will take place at. I’m thinking Joseph, in Bethlehem because if I know Jesus, it’s going to get dirty, and in Bethlehem, they have a donkey. Soldier: Jesus of Bethlehem?
Nola: Yes! You know him? He’s right over there. You’ll know him because he’s the guy making out with Judas.
(They look over and see Jesus and Judas standing in a garden, [edit] and [edit, edit] up and down [edit] kissing.)
(The soldiers run over to him and arrest him)
Nola: Wait! Wait! I’ll need to properly interrogate him. I’m sure he has others working for him. Wait! (To John) Here, (she shows him a picture on her Iphone)

Go find this and bring it to me. I’ll be (flipping through her Bible for Dummies) at the Governor’s mansion. Meet me there. (laughs to herself)


Obama: (feet up on desk, hands resting on the top of his head he stares at the ceiling)
Rahm: (passing a joint to Barack) Barack. You’ve got to calm yourself. Nola is going to come through. She’ll be back here tonight safe, sound, and slightly insane.
Obama: (smiles) Sometimes I think it’s too much for one little girl.
Rahm: Come on, O, this is Nola Shumway we’re talking about. If anyone can take on Jesus.
Obama: You’re right, it’s Nola. Hey, remember the time we sent her to the Republican National Convention and she convinced Sarah Palin that all her downs baby needed was a little shaking? (Laughing hysterically) Nola Shumway is literally chasing down Jesus in the New Testament. How motherfuckin high am I right now?


Nola arrives at the Governor’s mansion and sees a huge crowd. She kicks and punches and stabs her way to the front. She sees Jesus and an oddly dressed man standing on a balcony.
Pilate: Tell me what I should do with this self proclaimed king of Jews-
Nola: Attention! Attention! (Sits down a crate that says ‘IN MEMORY OF MILK’ and steps up on it. She addresses the crowd)
Nola: Injustice! Injustice! This man who stands before you is not who he says he is! He is a closeted homosexual. And I stand here today with a message from Ted Haggard to tell Jesus the errors of his ways.
Pilate: Seize the girl! She works with this so called King of the Jews.
(Nola looks over to Jesus who is smiling at her)
Nola: You dirty rotten no good liar!
(Jesus laughs as they take him and Nola away.)


Reverend Lowery: (wiping the sweat from his weary brow. Looks up at the stunned congregation of two) you see, that right there is Jesus tricking the devil. You see, Jesus knew he was going to die for your sins, but he also took care of Nola the devil. That’s how amazing the mind of Christ is. In this next verse we will now look at the amazing strength of Christ’s body. How was he able to endure such pain and agony?
Congregation lady 1: Girl, something wrong with that Jesus. Shoot, I don’t blame Nola. If some guy told me his cock would crow after I denied him, I’d cut off his dick right then and there.
Congregation lady 2: True. I’d pull some Lorena Bobbitt shit and then feed it to him.
Congregation: Gaymen! Gaymen! Free Nola! Free Nola!


Nola: (struggling with guards) you are making the biggest mistake of your pathetic lives. Do you know what is about to happen to you? You’re going to hear the voice of God, and he’s going to scare the life out of you.
(She pulls out her Iphone, dials, and puts the phone to the ear of the guard. A voice says something in a language he does not understand, the tone however is unmistakable. He releases Nola and, white from fear, drops to the ground and starts crying.
Nola puts the phone back to her ear
Nola: Vladdy? Thank you. Yes. Yes! I’ll be there in two shakes. Um, my shorts. Just suspenders. I’m not wearing underwear. Vladdy, I don’t really have time for this. Yes. (In perfect Russian) Да, моя влюбленность, я буду обслуживать вас когда я получу дом. Сегодня вечером. Я тебя люблю слишком
(Hangs up her phone and runs off)
Voice from the sky: Nola!
Nola: Rahm? Is that you? Where's O?
RAHM: (laughing hysterically) Sorry Nola, couldn't stop myself. I'll put O on.
Obama: NOOOO-oh-oh-oh oh oh oh la la la!!!
Nola: Okay, you're high. Anywho O, I get it. I’m back to Bethlehem. Two minutes. One minor detail before I go.
Obama: Nola. You can’t go to Golgotha. I know you, I understand you’re upset.
Nola: O, in my short time here I’ve been denied entrance into the gay circle, drowned, chased, and patronized. You know who I blame?
Obama: Jesus?
Nola: Jesus motherfucking Christ! That little weasel can get over on 80 percent of the population, but today he’s met his match. I’m not going anywhere until I see justice carried out.
Obama: So be it. I’ll have the secret service waiting for you in Golgotha.
(Nola closes her Bible for Dummies and throws it in the Serpents Pool. She skips off to Golgotha.)


Reverend Lowery:
And now we return to the gospel according to, uh, Nola Shumway.

Reverend Lowery: You see that’s the strength of Christ.
Looks down at bible and continues reading:

Reverend Lowery: (looks up from the bible.) Well, that is an interesting interpretation of John indeed.
So that’s it O. I swear, I thought I was done for, but my precious Vladdy came to my rescue.
Obama: Nola, I’m thankful you’re safe. Rahm has arranged for a press conference about the Evergreen Chapel incident. My administration is going to take a hit, but we’re going to leak the story along with mental health records of the good reverend. Everybody will think that once again I’ve set up church with a crazy reverend. Kanye’s tweets actually support our story, so we are very thankful for that. I do have one more question Nola-
Nola: Yes, I’m pretty sure he was gay.
Obama: No, (chuckling) I’m curious, is he really black?
Nola: Don’t be stupid O. He’s Jewish.
Obama: How can you be sure?
Nola: Let’s just say that when I said the guards could find him in the garden because he was the one kissing Judas, that was the G rated version of what was going on. Definitely not Black.
Obama: (chuckling) I was hoping, I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t.
Nola: I did figure one thing out while I was in the Rabbi hole.
Obama: What’s that?
Nola: Your tactic on selling climate change to the American public? It’s all wrong.
Obama: I’m listening.
Nola: The only thing in the world that can’t be debated is faith, right? I mean, people actually believe that this man Jesus broke fish into millions of pieces and served it to dirty poor people.
Obama: So to speak, yes.
Nola: Well, they have faith, so we can’t argue logically.
Obama: I’m a bit lost, I’ll admit.
Nola: We all are, O, a little less thanks to Google maps, but nonetheless. What I’m proposing is that we change the way we talk about climate change. We’ll refer to it as Intellectual Design. It will be referenced as the ‘Climate Change Faith.’ Mother Earth is our God, and she is a vengeful god, a just god. Her prophet, Al Gore has been running around the planet warning of the impending doom if we humans don’t change our ways. The devil, Rush Limbaugh, urges on the doubters, filling their heads with irrational thoughts about consumption, Jesus, and evil democrats.
Obama: (hugs Nola, tears in his eyes) my dear Mother Earth! Nola, I think you just started your very own religion.
Nola: (trying to escape squeeze) Ugh! Ick! I know, I know, you don’t have to be all sensitive. Can I go?
Obama: Where are you off to?
Nola: Russia, but of course. Check in with the Vlad. Did you see that FP greatest thinkers rating? Not bad. I’ll tell you, he’s going to have a lot on his mind when he sees what I brought home from Sodom. He is going to (Obama puts hand over Nola’s mouth)
Obama: Please Nola. Spare the details. Skip along, I’ll be in contact soon. Things are still festering in the financial sector. I may need you to go in, shake things up.
Nola: CEO? Oh, man I’m going to have the most amazing office. (turns, and over her shoulder) I’ll need a budget. Okay. That’s all, that’s all… BYE! (Skips off)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dedicated to my homie Nolo... Rest in peace dawg, cuz I know you're taking a nap at yo mama's crib

Nola is standing behind bars at the LA County jail. (Alright, alright, there aren't actually bars at LA County, but Nola is in charge here and she's imagining a dirty Brazilian prison with cockroaches the size of her head.) A group of Bridge Elementary fourth graders are touring the jail as part of the city's program "Gangs are not off the chain". They are all lined up outside of Nola's cell-- all except for five little cholos who are exchanging kites, or correspondence from outside gang members, in the form of stories they have written with gang members from their neighborhoods. At press time, members from the Latin Kings, five percenters and the 18th street gang all cited 'Gangs are not off the chain' as the most reliable way to correspond with fellow incarcerated gang members.

NOLA: (to the fourth graders) hey, pee wees. I want to tell you all a little story about Nola 'The Chola' Shumway. It seems like just yesterday I was a sweet, pretty, young girl just dancing and skipping around... a black ribbon in my hair, skipping down the street-
CELLMATE: --yo girl, you just got here yesterday.

NOLA: (turns to cellmate) Ay! Werota! Shut your dirty mouth, Baboso! Tu madre es una puta! I love you girl! (Back to kids) Anyway, putas, there I was skipping down the street minding my own business when I noticed two sloppily written and grossly misspelled words shading my favorite neighborhood wall from the early afternoon sunshine:

CELLMATE: Yo, girl, who did that shi-

NOLA: --ay, chinga tu madre! Hueless a mierda you smell like a dirty see you next Tuesday. If you don't stop interrupting me I’m going to slice your face up with a dull razor... Thanks girl, I love you. (Back to kids) I was outraged! Who would do such a thing? I'll admit, PiRo wasn't the kind of neighborhood to be a braggart about, but it was my hood, that I repped, and I wasn't about to allow any outside riff raff to invade it. I adored my place in my orthodox Jewish neighborhood, enjoyed the power I was granted just by the simple fact that I was the only non Jew. How I enjoyed the ability to literally give heat to those who could not flip switches on Friday nights. I ran this neighborhood! Who was it? Who was battling me? Who wanted my neighborhood and all the power that came with it? I was outraged! Indignant! I was—

(FROM OFF): Chowtime!

NOLA: I'll be back in twenty. (To cellmate) vamanos culo puta pupusa!


NOLA: I was indignant!

CELLMATE: Yo, girl you already said that...

(Nola pulls out a dull razor from her black ribbon and proceeds to slice up cellmate's face)

NOLA: (to the kids- all crying) Yo, baby gangsters, I told her to shut her mouth! My own sister! Look what she made me do! So, anyways, I decided to take action! I called up a one Mrs. Ghanghi, head of the anti gang department in Los Angeles.


NOLA: Hi, Mrs. Ghanghi? Nola Shumway here, ready, eager and available after school Monday through Friday to help solve the gang problem. I've got ropes, concrete and detailed maps of all suspected gang members' homes. I even know when they aren't at home, so getting to their children won't be a problem.

Mrs Ghanghi: (laughing uncomfortably) Whoa, Nola, hold on dear, you don't sound much older than a child yourself.

NOLA: I'm eight years old ma'am and fully capable of tying up riff raff and dumping them in the ocean. My father and my father's father were longshoremen... and Italian. And short.

Mrs. Ghanghi: Well... um. Thank you Nola. We certainly appreciate all the help we can get but first of all I need to ask a few things.

Nola: I've never killed anyone and I never do drugs that the president himself hasn't tried.

Mrs. Ghanghi: No, no, no... (Very uncomfortable now) um, what I was going to ask about was what you saw in your neighborhood that prompted this call.

Nola: Grossly misspelled words sloppily written across my favorite wall.

Mrs.Ghanghi: Oh, well Nola, we have a program for graffiti artists: From Cans to Canvas. We-


Mrs.Ghanghi: Many of these young and adult men are very talented artists. With the proper encouragement we think they can grow into--

Nola: -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You're still joking. You're very funny Mrs. Ghanghi. Hey, I’ve got one! A tagger is to a gang as a blank is to a blank.

Mrs. Ghanghi: Now Nola, I’m perfectly serious and I want you to be serious too. Where is your mother?

Nola: Teaching a meat carving class to serial killers. Give up? Okay- A tagger is to a gang as a kicker is to a football team! HAHA ha-ha ha-ha HAHA! Thanks for your time Mrs. Ghanghi; I’m going to go it alone. I'm going to find these little rascals, and when I find them I’m going to slice them open and finger paint with their blood all over their neighborhoods. Good day to you.

.......LET US CUT BACK TO THE JAIL.........

Nola: So Mrs. Ghanghi wasn't going to help me. Art huh? It got me thinking. They were bringing their art into my neighborhood and here I was being selfish with my own.

.......CUT TO FRONT LAWN OF A HOUSE IN THE PICO UNION NEIGHBORHOOD........ (18th street gang stand up!)

Nola, carrying a silver box and a shot gun, walks up to the front lawn of a crappy house. She sets the box down on the porch and hits play.
NOLA: (Singing- terribly. Dancing- terribly.)
where the winds come sweepin' down the plain!
And the wavin wheat,
can sure smell sweet,
when the wind comes right behind the rain!

A boy of about eight rushes outside. He is wearing a black doo-rag and is covered in large black tattoos; a cross, I heart mi madre, 18th street, and a full color portrait of Rey Mysterio.

NOLA: (still singing and dancing terribly)
Ev'ry night my honey lamb and I,
Sit alone and talk and watch a hawk,
makin' lazy circles in the sky.

NOLO: Ay, Kieta el stupido elephante! Get off my lawn you stupid little---
................BACK TO LA COUNTY..............
WARDEN: Nola! Nola! Are you listening? You have a visitor.
NOLA: Oh? But I was just in the middle of telling these little badasses a fairytale.

WARDEN: You're coming with me you stupid little girl. (Grabs her by the arm and smacks her in the face)
NOLA: (as Warden is pulling her by her hair down the hall) La RAZA! LA RAZA! Yo Mataria Tu! You understand? Yo Mataria Tu!Warden sits Nola down in his office and leaves.
Out of the shadows appears a tall, dark, impeccably dressed figure.
Obama: That's enough narration Nola. You're talking too much.

Nola: Sorry, O, I've just been locked up for such a long time. I'm starting to go nuts.

Obama: You've been here all of six hours. We'll have you out soon, but we need to proceed with caution. The last thing I need is an outed operative.

Nola: I know. I'm actually enjoying myself.

Obama: So I’ve heard. Tell me about this Nolo figure.

Nola: Nolo 'the cholo' marquelas! I love him! I met him while I was performing a rousing rendition of Oklahoma on his front porch.

Obama: I heard it didn't go so well.

Nola: (sad) you heard? I knew I should have gone with West Side Story. Anyway, my plan was to get him to ask me out. I figured if I was the girl of a gang member I would see some action- be able to see their inner workings. But Nolo said gangs didn't work like that. He said that so long as I wasn't a gang member, when we were out on the town, gang code forbid rival gangs to mess with us.

Obama: Interesting.

Nola: Yeah. Who would have thought? Romantics... these murdering lowlifes. My only option was to join the gang. I had two choices. I either had to endure eighteen seconds of the girl gang members kicking me in the head...

Obama: Ouch

Nola: I know, right? Good thing I wasn't joining the 118th street gang!

Obama: The other option?

Nola: (uncomfortable. Leans in and whispers into O's ear) spspspps sspsp sssspppp psppspp spspspps ppspp ssp bang spspspa sppp spspps spspps spps 18 spsp spsps.

Obama: Eew.

Nola: I know.

Obama: Tell me you didn't-

Nola: -O! I'm not that kind of little girl! (Pause) I decided to start my own gang. I rounded up the toughest, meanest, most badass friends I could find. We started THE GaYNG: Gays and Young Nola Gang. We're effing crazy O!

Obama: (chuckling) Okay, Okay. You and your gays start a gang.

Nola: Gay-ang.

Obama: Gay-ang. Sorry. But it still doesn't explain why my Sweet Pretty Young Nola is locked up in LA County.

Nola: O! Stop interrupting me pinchi pendejo! (Stops) Sorry, Nola 'the chola' coming out there. I'm lost in my cover. Anyways, so me and my Out&About Boys are ru-

Obama: --Nola, you mean homeboys.

Nola: No, O, I mean Out&About Boys. Homeboys would be so offensive to my clique. Have you seen the way cholos dress? It's appalling. Moving on... Me and the-

Obama: -Out&About Boys...

Nola: we start asking around, talking to anybody. And anybody says 'come on Riff-

Obama: -Nola, I’m not interested in West Side Story right now.

Nola: Right, sorry. Okay... So I call up Nolo.

Obama: The Cholo?

Nola: Yeah. And I tell him 'Hey dirty pinchi bendejo. Me cago en tus muertos! La WEHO! LaWeho! Bitch! Why don't you come down for a rumble?

Obama: So you fought the 18th street gang in West Hollywood?

Nola: No. They didn't want to meet up. Apparently gangs only fight over location. It's sort of like realtors with unregistered automatic weapons. Apparently these gangs don't think West Hollywood is worth the trouble. Except the Mormons. That gang is very interested in WEHO for some reason. Anyway, I proposed to the Out&About Boys that we go down to their neighborhood. I told Ratti it was south of Pico and he said 'aw, hell no'. So I arranged a date with Nolo. I figured we were both in gangs now; we should be an open target.

Obama: I hate the danger you put yourself in.

Nola: O... you sent me to Russia with an ex-KGB operative four times my age.

Obama: You said it was your dream vacation!

Nola: It was! It was! It was like living in it’s a small world after all- minus the dolls. I'm glad to do it O, helping you. Anyway, nothing even happened. Nolo said the majority of gang time is spent collecting rent with his fellow apartment boys.

Obama: You mean homeboys.

Nola: Whatever. So no one bothered us.

Obama: What do you mean by 'collecting rent?'

Nola: Nolo said gangs collect rent from business owners in their own neighborhoods. He said it's a protection they are paying for.

Obama: Protection from whom?

Nola: Who knows? He never could pinpoint exactly who the threat would come from. I talked to one of the shop owners and he said he only feared not being able to make his rent payments- to the gang, not the bank.

Obama: Rent collectors. Interesting.

Nola: Yeah, and you'd think with all the importance they place on collecting rent they would place equal importance on paying rent to their own landlords, aka mamas, baby mamas and granmamamas. But with all the screaming and yelling going on at Nolo's place I believe this not to be the case.

Obama: And what do you believe they are spending this collected money on? If they are laundering it we can get them for that.

Nola: As far as I can tell they spend it mostly on gawdy cars and accessories, video game consoles and buying nice things for their cholitas.

Obama: Did Nolo buy you those earrings you came in with?

Nola: Yeah, but he got them from the gifts for guns program. Trade in your guns for gift cards. 50 dollars for a handgun and 100 for a semi automatic. It's how Nolo buys Christmas presents for his family every year. Sweet cholo, that Nolo.

Obama: So what's your proposal Nola? What do we do?

Nola: World's Best Gang! A competition to determine once and for all who in the world is the best. It worked for the Warriors! See, we put all of our American gangs in an international competition against all the other gangs around the world. Have them battle it out until there is one gang standing.

Obama: But that's flawed, Nola. Who would MS13 fight for? America or El Salvador? What about the Latin Kings? They wouldn't fight representing America.

Nola: That's why it's also your immigration solution! Well, at least for Los Angeles. Everyone knows were all Americans until we play sports on an international stage. Then all of the sudden people are representing Lithuania in table tennis even though they've been living in Topeka, Kansas their whole life! The foreign gangs will go back to their countries, fight for their home countries. That will leave us with the KKK and the Mormons. But they're silly, and I already have a plan in action to deal with them. Anyway- that's the plan. Have them all kill each other in one last final international gang battle- televised.

Obama: But what happens when there is one last gang standing? What do they win?

Nola: Three consecutive life terms in a Brazilian prison.

Obama: And the Brazilians, they have agreed?

Nola: Oh, yeah, it's a win/win for them. Well a win/win/win. I had to promise them two things. One-2014 World Cup has to be in Brazil.

Obama: Done.

Nola: Pay off their IMF debt.

Obama: I'll talk to the Chinese, but I think it can be done.

Nola: Alright, we're good, can I go back now? I want to tell the kids about the time Ratti almost killed this banger because he repped the five percenters.

(O gives Nola a puzzled look)

Nola: He thought he was talking about tipping.

Obama: (chuckling) Oh, that Ratti. He's so excitable. But what was the third win for the Brazilians?

Nola: Pardon?

Obama: You said win/win/win.

Nola: Oh, well. (She stands, puts her hands behind her back and sheepishly grins at O like a little girl.) The Brazilians are running out of food for their prisoners. We're going to hand over the largest street gang in the world to the Brazilians. Win.

Obama: (shock, then disgust) Nola Shumway!

Nola: O! Don't worry. Nobody is going to know a thing.

Obama: And also, you still didn’t explain why you are in here.

Nola: A dictionary drive.

Obama: I’m not following.

Nola: After I realized there was no short term solution to the graffiti problem I decided to hold a dictionary drive- for the taggers. I thought the least they could do when they were tagging my neighborhood would be to get the words right.

Obama: well, that doesn’t seem so bad.

Nola: Well, the first tagger I tried to give a dictionary to tried to kill me. So the Out & About boys and I dropped him over a pole and now he’s paralyzed.

Obama: No you didn’t Nola, that was Blood in, Blood out.

Nola: You’re right. Excellent film though. Okay, really I just threw the book at his head. Little bitch, he told on me.

Obama: He was five Nola.

Nola: Dirty puto. Anyway, that’s why I’m here. And don’t worry, I won’t run into anymore problems with the dictionaries. I have the Mormons handing them out. They were tired of the Jehovah’s always getting to the neighborhoods first. Oh, and you might want to assemble a task force to deal with all the dead Mormons. A tagger takes to a dictionary the way a cat takes to water.

Obama: One more problem Nola.

Nola: Ay! Dejeme solo! Cual ahora es el?

Obama: You sliced up your cellmate. Remember? I have an operative working undercover who has sliced up an innocent civilian.

(Nola opens mouth to speak)

Obama: I’ve read the report Nola. I don’t buy it that you were trying to tattoo eyebrows. And neither does the warden. We have to hide you. Somewhere no one will know to find you. Somewhere where you can’t get into any trouble. You know what I’m thinking?

Nola: New Testament?

Obama: Pack your bag.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

While you were out....

Dear O,

I hope all is going well on your whirlwind trip across America. Oh, and we saw you on the Tonight show. Unfortunate choice of words; you should have said I'M like special Olympics or something. Not IT'S. Or It's like I'm in the special Olympics or something. It really didn't make sense the way you put that sentence together. Anyway, the girls and I are having tons O fun here in the O-val Office. I was digging in your top drawer today looking for your gum (Malia said Nicorette was disgusting, I had to prove her wrong) and I came across the "FINANCIAL MESS" file. Well of course, as little girl of the house while you're gone, I decided to help you out. I sat right down in your big, stiff, cold chair and started to work on a plan that, I think, will really help to ease the worries of the American public. It's called "We're having a meltdown" (If you see A Star is Born and notice the little number a one Marilyn Monroe sings quite love-a-lee, you'll catch my vision)

Stra-tee-geery! (I know you love it when I say it) Stra-tee-geery! Stra-tee-geery!!!!

Operation "We're having a meltdown America"

1. First of all, we need Americans to understand that we're fucked. Seriously fucked. I think the best way to grab the public's attention is to roll out an edgy ad campaign. 

We'll get depressed celebrities to film short PSA spots. They'll go a little something like this:

"Hi, I'm Owen Wilson and I'm depressed. America, it's time to admit you're depressed too."

I've already talked to the publicists for Britney Spears, Val Kilmer, Jennifer Aniston and I thought it would be best if you called Oprah yourself.

2. We're trying to get rid of toxic assets on bank balance sheets right? Well, I say put them in a grab bag. Everybody loves grab bags. It's like the lottery! "What am I going to get, what am I going to get" 'Damn, half of the lower ninth ward and half a billion in AIG, pardon, AI"U credit default swaps. Fuck! orrrrrrrrr...... "Yes! A housing development in Elk Grove!" 

3. Slogans! We need snazzy one liners for Americans to throw around. Americans are only into something if it can be summed up in either a country song or a one liner. I'm not a country singer, so we thought one liners would be the next best thing, and bumper stickers, shirts and stickers create revenue. The girls and I are going to handle this one for you. We've already thought of  a few. (See if you can spot mine!)

"It'll all work out. And if not, it should have!"

"If America can't get out of the red, I shouldn't have to get out of bed!"

"America: Fucked now and fucked later."

"Cats are cute, and I love my dad."*

*Malia is having trouble with the concept of a slogan. I know how you feel O, but I think it's time for private school.

4. Less is more than enough! America is way too big to manage as a country. I say we get rid of some property and raise revenue: Win/Win! 
Lets sell Texas to the Mexican government.* Their drug war is already spilling into Texan cities anyway. And Montana is always bragging about how they only have six or seven people per square mile, so I figure we can relocate Texans to Montana. Same thing right? Pretty much, after most of the nonwhite population stays in Texaco. 
And instead of consulates, I say we sell entire cities to countries. San Francisco can be sold to China. Spokane to Russia. And we can make New York a worldwide time share: France gets a month, Israel a month (at a discount), Africa a week (pro bono) etc... It's time, O, we need to liquidate America!!!!!

*assuming at press time that the mexican government still had control over Mexico. If not, we sell Texas to the drug lords. 

5. Brackets! You love brackets! I love brackets! America is crazy for brackets! I propose the following to help America get excited about impending doom:


Let's put the banks into four regions, and see which beat each other out for the title of the worst bank in America.

I know you're busy with your tour and doing your NCAA bracket (And it really hurts that you picked UNC over my beloved Zags) so I decided to do your picks. I'm finished with your sweet sixteen. Here's my, ugh, your list.


Floridian Bank, hailing from Ormond Beach, Florida. This young bank boasts a slightly high leverage ratio of 12.85 and at press time was in the red. But with smart plays, like contributing to the Kosmas for Congress campaign, dashing leader CEO Thomas Dargan is hoping to not pull out the upset of a lifetime. Deposits will probably remain safe and sound, and, depending on the impending hurricane season, maybe even underwater.

Columbus Bank Trust, hailing from Columbus, Georgia. This mature bank enjoys relative anonymity, most likely because of it's uber reclusive CEO Samuel Wellborn. Welldone. But they have to show their cards sometime, and with their penchant for commercial lending and fairly high leverage ratio, 12.67, we can bet those cards are red.

Tri Parish Bank, hailing from Eunice, Louisiana. In the black at press time. But CEO Jerry Reaux is almost too confident. Last week he said of his team "We're strong, we're well capitalized." Tri Parish could be the 2009 AIG ugh, AIU. Mr. Reaux and his team bring to mind the comments made by Joseph Cassano in August 2007 in response to the worry of investors. Just months before a government takeover he, as Aig's head of financial products said in regards to his company's CDOs that "it is hard for us, without being flippant to even see a scenario within any kind of realm of reason that would see us losing a dollar on any of these transactions." If Reaux is the new Cassano, then Tri Parish is the new AIG-U. If that happens, they should advance.

Roanoke Rapids Savings Bank hailing from-- wait, I have no clue where they hail from. But they're a mature bank established in 1914. They could be the Cinderella of the tournament. 


Wells Fargo hailing from San Francisco, California. The big number one seed in the tourney. Many see their penchant for piggyback loans as the main reason for the high seeding. CEO Dick Kovacevich raised eyebrows after accepting 25 Billion in bailout monies and then turning around and criticizing TARP. This is one to watch.

Arrowhead Community bank hailing from Glendale, Arizona. Low leverage ratio, FDIC regulated and conservative loan programs mean they shouldn't get past the elite eight.

Pacific Rim Bank hailing from Honolulu, Hawaii. Slim chance of advancing, but I know you have a soft spot for Hawaii O. Good Luck.

First Utah Bank hailing from Salt Lake City, Utah. Donated to the Mitt Romney campaign, which means they have a connection to the Mormon church. Any bailout money, if needed, would probably come from the Mormon church itself. Sill one to watch; Mormons are always unpredictable- at least they are on television.


Bank of Wisconsin hailing from Wisconsin Wells, Wisconsin. Their banking practices make as much sense as the new state motto. Should be an interesting one to watch.

STC Capital Bank hailing from St. Charles, Illinois. Young bank with a fairly high leverage ratio, but smartly stayed out of the sub-prime mess for the most part. Only a poorly researched Oprah show on "The state of banks in Illinois" could cause it's collapse. Unless Oprah can singlehandedly cause a run on the banks, it looks like its run in the tourney will be short lived.

United State Bank hailing from Lewiston, Missouri. Stability and a conservative loan portfolio is probably going to keep this one from advancing. True, they've been around the block a few times, but only to grab Venti Coffees from the Starbucks around the corner. 

The First State Bank of Ransom hailing from Ransom, Kansas. At press time they are in the black, but a high leverage ratio of 21.43 and a specialty in Agricultural loans mean they have a good chance of advancing- and even better chance that pitchforks will factor into this banks eventual dismantling.


CHASE hailing from Newark, Delaware. The big number one seed out of the east, they are led by all star CEO Jamie Dimon who wowed investors by accepting a government bailout and then promptly pledging 400 million to help with the outsourcing of jobs to India. Some say Chase is the true (foreign) people's  champion. 

Sturdy Savings Bank hailing from Stoneharbor, New Jersey. Their name is their game. Led by employee of the quarter Barbara Niemczak, this commercial lending specialist has a reasonable 11.31 leverage ration. Probably go out early.

Cambridge Trust Company hailing from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Somehow managed to keep a low leverage ratio, 7.86, despite the fact that mortgage lending is their specialty. And CEO Joe Roller isn't afraid to throw a log on the fire when things get a bit chilly. Of course he's throwing that log to fuel the fire in  the fireplace that is located in his lavishly decorated office. 

Farmers and Merchants hailing from Upperco, Maryland. The leverage ratio is average. The specialty, commercial lending, a bore. They've been around almost a hundred years. I'd bet a week's allowance they aren't getting out of the sweet sixteen.

Okay, there you are, O, I did your brackets, took care of the advertising and even cleaned up a bit of the ashes left around your desk. (If Michelle catches you sneaking cigarettes she's going to be pissed.) I think if we roll out the new "We're having a meltdown" campaign by the end of this week, we should see results by May. Oh, and I got your note about the gangs. I'm on the case. Peace out homie.....

Your loving and (mostly) obedient, 
Sweet Pretty Young, Nola Shumway.

P.s. Vladimir says hi.