Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nola in the nude: A Testament

The gospel according to


(Nola turns and she is standing in a church beside a man praying.)

Nola: Oh God damn it, where is he? Jesus! Fuck! Where did that little bitch go?
Zacharias: (looks up at Nola) Jesus? Who is Jesus?
Nola: (looks down) As if I’m gonna tell you. Who are you?
Zacharias: Zacharias.

Nola looks down at her Bible for Dummies:

Nola: Zacharias, huh, you’re the father of that dastardly John the beheaded.
Zacharias: Father? (excited) I am to have a son?
Nola: (she slaps him) Hey crazy, don’t get too excited. He turns out to be a real wacko. Here, take two of these. (hands him a couple sheets of acid) Go lay down.
Zacharias: But a son? I have a son and name him John?
Nola: (confused) Yeah, you know, he baptizes Jesus, you know, the supposed son of god or if you prefer- Nephew. John tried to drown me. I got rid of him. (whilst bowing) You are welcome.
Zacharias: Bless you my angel. For you were sent from God.
Nola: Uh, noooooo. I was sent here for my protection. Okay. Because I sliced up my cellmate’s face. With a dirty razor. That’s all. No god, no miracle. (pulls out dirty razor and slices through the air) Just a moment of shear, pardon the pun, brilliance.
Zacharias: (running off screaming) A son! He comes and will be named John! He will baptize Jesus the son of God!
Nola: (yelling after him) Don’t forget the part about when I have him beheaded!
(Nola continues walking for what seems like days. She arrives to a town called Jerusalem. She sees a young effeminate boy hanging out at a church.)
Nola: Hi. (she waves spastically) I’m Nola, Nola Shumway. Friend to sinners, foe to saints.
Jesus: I am Jesus of Galilee.
Nola: No you’re not.
Jesus: Yes I am.
Nola: (getting upset) No, (forced smile) you’re…not! (pause) Twerp.
Jesus: (stands up) Yes! I! Am!
Nola: The Jesus I met is a man. You are a little boy.
Jesus: I’m twelve! My mother, Mary…
Nola: The slut?
Jesus: She told me that when I was a baby, angels came to my dad and said that I was the son of god.
Nola: Aren’t we all?
Jesus: Then when I was a baby they took me to the temple and there was this old man who said he had to see Christ before he died. And then (Nola is biting her nails impatiently) my mom and dad took me to him and he held me and he said
Nola: (reading from her bible) and I quote 'For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,' big whoop. Same thing happened to me. You know what he was looking for? My eight year old vagina. So some pervert in the church had a boner for a little kid. Trust me; this is news to no one.
Jesus: Wait, who are you? How do you know that?
Nola: I’m Nola. And you (whips out leash and puts it around his neck) are coming with me.
Jesus: (walking behind Nola away from the temple) You aren’t very nice. Where did you come from?
Nola: Skid row. Sort of looks like Galilee but with boxes and needles. Everyone knows you there. You’re famous. They cry out for you all night long. ‘help me Jesus, help me!’ So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take you to them.
Jesus: But I have to go home and help mom with dinner.
Nola: Jesus, I hate to bring this up, but, you know, if I were you I would run away. Your mom is a slut, your dad is delusional. Your aunt and uncle are fame seekers. They’ve quite the life planned for you. Did you know that someday you are going to have to die, for my sins?
Jesus: What?
Nola: You heard me. According to Matthew-
Jesus: -Who is Matthew?
Nola: (looking up from her bible for dummies) No one you ever knew. And according to Mark.
Jesus: Mark?
Nola: Nobody important. A biographer of sorts. But according to them, and Luke... and John and eighty percent of the United States, (Jesus opens his mouth to speak and Nola puts her hand over his mouth) you are going to die for my sins.
Jesus: (wiping his snotty nose) But why would I die for your sins?
Nola: (flipping furiously through the bible) Um, I don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet. But that's what happens.

(they walk in silence a bit further)

Nola: Hey, Jesus, what’s it like- to have two dads? It must be really confusing. (pause) Hey, do you call one Gay ol’ Dad? That would be appropriate.

Off in the distance Mary and Joseph arrive at the temple only to see Jesus a hundred yards away walking with a girl.

Mary: Jesus!
Joseph: On a leash!

Cut to Evergreen Chapel:

Reverend Lowery: Jesus! On a leash!


Voice from the sky: NOoooLaaaa! Nola Shumway!
Nola: oh Shiite! What? What now O? I’m in the middle of something. (looks at Jesus, who has just peed his robe)
Obama: Nola, I know very well what you are doing. I want you to keep moving. Back to Bethlehem.
Nola: But O!
Obama: No, Nola. This congregation is ready to wage war on the good Reverend. No more shenanigans.
Nola: Brittle Dicks! I’m just trying to be a good person and help.
Obama: (chuckling) Sure Nola. I’m sure you are. Just get back okay?
Nola: Okay, O, I’ll be good. (grabs her tatas) Scouts honor.
Obama: You were never a scout.
Nola: I dress up like one for Vladimir.
Obama: (chuckling) You are so silly, Sweet Pretty Young Nola.
Nola: (‘hail Hitler’ salute) Back to Bethlehem for me and Jesus!
Joseph: (from off) ON A LEASH!


Meanwhile back at the Evergreen Chapel, the congregation is now riveted by the craziness coming out of Reverend Lowery’s mouth. He continues to read, and they sit, hunched forward, some standing, urging him along:

Reverend Lowery: Uh, we are still in Luke, I’m not sure which chapter or verse. Ahem. (pause) Ha. Nola then turned and was standing on an empty dirt road. Jesus lost to her once again. An angry mob stands behind her. A man says to Nola, ‘you are the devil.’ Nola parted her lips, which made the mob quiver, but then closed her mouth, knowing full well who had told them that she must be the devil. The speaker for angry mob said ‘you will be sorry; you have crossed the son of god.’ And Nola did, then, raise her head and say ‘hahaha hahaha hahahaha. Hahaha hahahaha hahahaha. Is that supposed to frighten me? Hahaha hahaha hhahahaha. You tell your little slippery, black friend.
Congregation holus bolus: What? Did she just say black? Oh, I knew it girl. Jesus is black.
(applause erupts from the congregation- cheers and shouts of ‘Hallelujah’, ‘praise black Jesus’, and ‘New Orlins the devil’. Meanwhile Obama sits, in the corner with his head buried in his bible, desperately trying to locate Nola)
Reverend Lowery: ‘You tell your little slippery black friend that I’ve been looking for him. He keeps disappearing on me. The man laughed and turned to his group, ‘ha, the doubter claims he has not the power of miracles, yet she says herself she has seen him disappear. Hahaha’ Nola walked over to the man, pulled out a knife, dropped to the ground and stabbed him in the shin. As the man lay on the ground crying like a little bitch, Nola crawled alongside him and said ‘I was going to try to help you and your stupid little friends, but now I’m angry. You know what I know about your precious little cult leader that you don’t?
Congregation woman: Girl, this is better than Angels and Demons.
Reverend Lowery: ‘You know what I know about your precious little cult leader that you don’t? He’s going to die. Soon. Yeah, I got a message for your American buddy, you tell that murderer, that Maria’s never going to meet him. You tell him that Chino found out about them, and shot Her! She’s dead.

Record playing on the record player in the Chapel skips. Reverend stops looks up. Puzzled faces in the congregation.

Woman: (confused) Wait, girl, ain’t that from West Side Story?
Man: Who is Maria? Did she mean Mary?

Obama leaves the room with Bible in hand. He immediately opens it and finds Nola Skipping back to Bethlehem.


Obama: Nola! West Side Story? Really? I am very upset with you at the moment.
Nola: (skipping) Well, get in line, O, I’ve got an angry mob of pedophiles after me, Jesus is missing and off his leash, and this Bible for dummies has a vague map situation. I’m lost and my Iphone isn’t pulling up maps. I’m moving as fast as I can. Quit bugging me. I’ll see you soon.
Obama: I’ll pray that you do.

To be continued…… (one more time)

1 comment:

Tyrant said...

Girl, this is better than angels and demons!!